Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Making time for Math

The math team met again this evening.  Like last time, I set up an agenda on Google Docs and encouraged the other math teachers to add on to it.  This time, however, I set aside the first half of the meeting to do some math together.  I asked everyone to bring their laptops, so that I could introduce them to the Peg Puzzle (  When we started, I directed everyone to NLVM website and asked them to play around for a bit, and then suggested that we come back together and share what we learned....

(To be continued...)


  1. Great. So happy that you made math a priority. The only thing is, are they collaborating when they are "playing around a bit"? Could they have collaborated on figuring out how to play Peg Puzzle?

  2. Google docs is a great tool to set up a collaborative agenda. Did anyone add to it?
